Friday, December 6, 2019
Concept of
Question: Discuss about the Concept of Professionalism. Answer: Introduction Professionalism is defined as the way of practicing the activities or conduct any norms by providing high quality of values and skills. Today, teachers are the one who have wide professional standards because they interact with the many people such as students, parents, staffs and administrators. One can only be a professional when they earn an education degree and meet some certain criteria. Professionalism may differ from actions to actions that are performed by them (Porcupile, 2015). Some values are distinct in nature and they must be known as acceptable values. The professionalism must be supportive and be a good listener and able to respect all the administrators and students that exists inside and outside the organization. Practice makes a man perfect and it also helps to introduce set of values as well. All these values must be strongly followed by the educators with ongoing observation. New overarching professional standards are generally followed by teachers that enables students to get involved in the analytical skills. Later, these standards are divided into sub categories based on their objectives and guidelines. It is very important that the professionalism values must be approached in a very correct way. A good professionalism helps to give rise to several opportunities and subjective taught. One can also learn how to plan lessons with the minimum utilization of resources. He/she must be well prepared with strong subjective knowledge that can easily be reflected and portrayed from the way he/she presents himself/herself (Brenda, 2010). A professional educator is an individual who have strong subjective knowledge and which aims at reducing the time which is wasted in researching and finding out study materials. They plan tehri lessons that becomes easy for the others to read and understand. It is worth to comment that the educator creates an example for others and also will develop important advantages. It takes years to develop such knowledge skills that others appreciate. Generally, educators develop such knowledge by reading and gaining information from various sources. They have worked hard to gain such experience within the education industry. Get the best jobs in sent to your inbox daily. Choose Citation Style MLA APA Chicago (B) Kokemuller, Neil. "Definition of Professionalism in Education." Career Trend, 18 July 2017. Kokemuller, Neil. (2017, July 18). Definition of Professionalism in Education. Career Trend. Retrieved from Kokemuller, Neil. "Definition of Professionalism in Education" last modified July 18, 2017. Copy Citation Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name. There are majorly five standards that are set which a professional teacher must have. These are mentioned below. Knowledgeable Every teacher must have a sound knowledge of all the curriculum. They must be aware of all the information about what to teach and how to teach. One must know the technique behind transferring the knowledge to the students in a more effective way. Let us take an example of a Math teacher. A math teacher must know how to calculate problems and solve them with the correct solutions. He/she must help students to show how it relates to their daily life like if it is related to numbers then how counting is helped when you buy something at grocery stores. As one knows the world keeps changing and its the teacher who are responsible to remain updated and make their student learn about the changes (Epstein and Miller, 2011). Aware of Diversity Teachers must be aware of the cultural differences and the several experiences that affect the learning of the students. The differences include ethnicity, language, age, education, income and many more. Moreover, teachers should modify the instruction lines as per the needs of the students. Ability to plan Teachers must plan their schedules of teaching styles. Planning must be done with the long term objectives and short term objectives. Teachers must aim at understanding the curriculum goals and the needs of the student learning styles. Likewise, they must have adequate amount of resources which is required in the classes. Strong Communication Skills A teacher must know what to speak and how to speak so that it can be understandable by the students. A teacher must have verbal non-nonverbal cues. She/he must have oral and written communication skills in order to interact the students and support them through supportive work environment (Harris and Sass, 2011). Ability to collaborate Teachers must be understanding and be aware that learning must not be stopped. They must build a strong bonding with parents of the students and assist them to guide their career. They must have good relationships with other many school administrator and faculties in order to meet their goals and objectives (Peterson, 2017). Need of professionalism Professionalism in speech A professional is the one who speak with lots of confidence and also has also has the ability to use different language. They are the one who stand as the pillar of the society and create an example for others. They are usually experts in grammar and but that does not mean they are the robot who never makes any mistakes or can never have any fun in their life. They have an equal right to have fun and enjoy. They are generally faithful and lead a courageous life (Joseph, 2015). Professionalism in attitude There are certain things that are liked and disliked by many. Professionals create a positive attitude and help others to maintain a calm demeanor. They help others to hold their head high by educating them and creating a sense of happiness. If one has a positive attitude then it will help them to create sound work environment and vice versa. Professionalism online This is the one that really matters to discuss any point in today generation. If one can see. Everything is available online which is properly documented and can easily be searched. It is the professionals who put their thought sin it and make it more generous and readable. Some professionals make their own blogs and tweet information what is helpful to others as well. Poor professionalism There are many factors that create a poor professionalism. Some of them are Not letting students to complete their task and creating no reassurance of learning. It basically means students must be attracted to learn innovations and gather information. Being impolite to their students and other staff members (Ministry of Education, 2017). Creating favoritism with students. Math Education Educating students about the math education has successfully been done by the professionals. Educators usually teaches in classroom for better understanding rather than providing personal assistance. There are huge numbers of topics to be discussed, large number of discoveries, and several forms to learn those. It is a blessing to have a wide variety of knowledge within oneself and then let others educate. Getting education must be a challenging but educating others is more difficult because educating others need to reach their mind and conveying the message (Fuson, Clements and Sarama, 2015). The Math Myth Andrew Hackers The Math Myth and other many STEM Delusions simply aims at promoting the path which has been misguided and taken on the wrong direction (Drew, 2015). It was done many years back and it is very difficult to know how it was mis leaded and created no productive. So, to guide the path, Hacker started the business where he used to attack school mathematics in New York Times op-ed. Later he argued against that there is no use of algebra and it was totally wastage to introduce such calculation which have no future. He stated that algebra has a great and strong future and it can used effectively to solve millions of calculations. There are plenty of people who do not have strong memory and who suffers from math phobia but then under such circumstances, Hacker develop a chord and structed it in their minds. After that, introduction of book contracts was seen along with adulation (Robinson and Lubienski, 2011). After that, many people argued on the Hackers statements and responded to errors in a very negative way. For this, many educators from colleges and universities presented as an audience and argued on it. Some favored Hacker while some pointed him. Some said that the Hacker forgot the reason behind educating adults. Parents always expect that whatever their child learn must be used in future or should have some benefits. Learning must create opportunities and some personal traits are developed along with the knowledge. Later, the western tradition started along with this arguments in ancient Greece with Socrates. He stated that virtue lies on the central position while educating young. Aristotle said that happiness should be the end result of education. One must be happy to gain education. It plays a major role in maintaining an intellectual life. St. Augustine stated that one must be dependent on teachers to let us get every sort of information. He/she must be able to manage and get something of his own. It can be learned and cultivated from the inner heart is he/she wishes to do so. Rousseau argued and stated that children must be exposed to the real world when they start growing up and starting living in the society where they belong to (Zeichner, 2010). Later, Locke and Mill convinced that education must be well rounded and used as a tool which will enhance the intelligence which is mind is capable of and reduce the number of complexities that exists within the world. Many educators agreed upon it. It is pre assumed that in case of mathematics, the work depends on the numbers and knowledge system is developed as a part of package. Student is always considered as the center of the education and they learn a lot only when they are motivated and supported by the educators and the person who teaches them. Motivation is the key to success. If a student is motivated, he/she can easily set the concepts in the mind and explore them (McCarthy, 2017). Students will grow and develop intellectual stimulation when involved in learning. Generally it happens that students enhance their ability to face the failure and overcome through it. One must learn to how to handle difficult problems by putting plenty of efforts and get rid of it. Educators are working hard to improve what they are still doing. When it comes to mathematics teacher, they are also working hard to generate more numbers of classrooms, math circles and workshops and extra curriculum activities related to numbers. Educators are also working to introduce experiences that will benefit the students and motivate their critical thinking ability. This will also enable them to foster and overcome the complex problems (Demirbilek and Tamer, 2010). If any problem is solved correct, then it will be naturally inspiring. Educators are also working to develop set of curricular activities that will build up tomorrow nation and work as per their expectation. They are also talking to the parents and encouraging them to present their ideas that will make the classroom more effective and innovative (Pilgrim, and Thomas, 2017). How many individual think that the multiplication tables are invented just to torture the students? Linda Gojak was the president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. He is one of the famous educators who speaks about the mathematics and its fluency used. He stated that these fluency is not accepted these days. Today people still remember that how the teachers in the school used to behave and punish the students. They still remember how teachers used to scold them which generated a negative memory till date. But because of this reason, reducing mathematics from the whole academic will definitely not be a good way. Math plays a major role in the curriculum because it helps one to think critically and apply something very logical. Let us visualize the current position of math education in United States. The math education is not ideal and used on the right direction as well. But the teachers, educators, parents, mathematicians, mathematics and researchers everyone is working hard to take it on the right way. The problem must be solved as soon as possible though I sis not that easy as it seems. There are huge number of complications and issues involved in it. Every revolution takes time and so does this revolution (Quora, 2014). Hacker stated that the students of high schools are failing to perform effectively and cannot even solve the simple numerical. But then teachers cannot always be blamed for it. Sometimes, students are responsible by their own to face such problems. It cannot be suggested that teachers should always put an effort to increase the literacy rate of a country and students must sit ideal. Teachers can only make the path but its the students who needs to walk on it. Hacker later said that quantitative literacy is very important than the qualitative literacy. And this can be done through education system. The role of math education in the education system must be one essential elements in the system (Larson, 2017). There are huge numbers who are saying that American democratic machine is not showing the actual results. So does that mean democracy should be given up? Definitely not. So does the math education. If it is not working properly, then removing it from the root is not the actual solution but improving its lagging factors is the right way. One must fight against the problem rather than running away from it (Uribe?Flrez and Wilkins, 2010). Today math education plays as a gateway who are involved in STEM jobs. Students can have more number of opportunities who learn math education as compared to other students. And when they grow up, they can be great mathematicians as well. They can also use many statistical tools along with computation ideas that will be used in future. Can one imagine the future without mathematics? The future will have to suffer without math education (Burton, 2011). Let us take an example, of a student wishes to drop math education later in his career then that does not mean that he/she will not have a bright future or cannot have a good job. It is that he/she will be prepared and make their decisions and prevail the opportunities accordingly where math education will not play a major role. The American education system is totally different from the other nation. Other nations believe that students must be taught on the early stage about the career opportunities. But America believe that students must be guided later. He/she must be capable enough to make choices and make decisions which is not possible by the school children. American education system is considered to be one of the best education the entire world. According to a study, it was found that poverty is the major problem of the public education. And the problem cannot be eradicated by removing math education from the curriculum. One must understand the power of math education and its limitations as well. One must know how to solve complex problems and grow many opportunities. Some well-known lines helps to know the importance of math education. Mathematics is where minds can be trained to do things properly. Mathematics is where one can learn critical ability and think analytically. Mathematics is where one can motivate other to explore more number of options available. These lines helps to focus on the importance of math education in the next generation and create a math cycle (Cvencek, Meltzoff and Greenwald, 2011). According to Anderson and Ronnkvist, in America, 56% of the elementary schools uses software to teach their students and enhance their skills. Likewise, 62% of the educators uses new and innovative mathematics skills to make their students learn. This shows the role of technology which is widely used in the education sector for the most effective and efficient results (Trede, 2012). The rate of students who prefer maths is decreasing day by day and year by year. This is caused due to the lack of tools which helps students to study their subject by their own. This will reduce the time consumed by the students to go to classes and learn things from teachers rather than sitting at home and learning by own. It generally happens that when there is a problem regarding maths, students get the solution but does not get how to solve the question by applying logics. All they know is how to get the correct solution (Hafferty, and Castellani, 2010). . So, learning at home will help them to recall all the thing that has already been taught once by the teachers. If we talk about science and English. It is not as tough as math because math needs practice which can be formed by solving huge number of problems and knowing the exact way how to solve it. Technology also plays a crucial role in the education sectors. Technology has made huge number of changes that has made students learn more. Today the way teachers teach and the way students learn is very different from the typical learning in the past. This has shifted the role of teachers and the students. Students are more active to learn and get appropriate information that will support their future. We can use technology in many ways in the education sector. Some of the ways can be making presentation, spreadsheets, databases, internet search, virtual display, use of important tools to assist disabled people and many more. Disabled students can use many tool that will help them to solve the complex problems with the help of technology (Ball, 1992). Similarly, many companies have developed their interest in introducing software in the education market. Several improvements has been implemented and availability of computers has reduced the time and cost of the practical solutions. Many soft wares are designed that solve the practical problems easily and reduce the complexity as well. Today using software to remove math problem is used in the entire world. Importance of Technology in Mathematics education Technology plays a major role in the math education. Use of computers helps to transfer message from one to another. Different tools are also used to resolve the query of the students. Tools are used by the teachers who make the students learn about the new techniques. Graphics concepts and computing concept is also widely used techniques. One of the most common technique is Math Teacher (Garfunkel and Mumford, 2011). Math Teacher is a software that helps to solve the maths problems and make the complex solution in a more simplified form. The students here can understand each steps clearly and develop strong concepts. This software also include sample problems with solutions. Thus it can concluded that educations sector plays a major role to build ones career and create opportunities in the future. Maths education must be used in education in any curriculum because math education helps to solve the complex problems and give a more simplified form of any problems. References Ball, D.L., 1992. Magical hopes: Manipulatives and the reform of math education. American Educator: the professional journal of the American Federation of Teachers, 16(2). Brenda, 2010, The Qualities of a Truly Professional Teacher, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Burton, D., 2011. The history of mathematics: An introduction. McGraw-Hill Companies. Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A.N. and Greenwald, A.G., 2011. Mathgender stereotypes in elementary school children. Child development, 82(3), pp.766-779. Demirbilek, M. and Tamer, S.L., 2010. Math teachers perspectives on using educational computer games in math education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, pp.709-716. Drew, D.E., 2015. STEM the tide: Reforming science, technology, engineering, and math education in America. JHU Press. Epstein, D. and Miller, R.T., 2011. Slow off the Mark: Elementary School Teachers and the Crisis in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education. Center for American Progress. Fuson, K.C., Clements, D.H. and Sarama, J., 2015. Making early math education work for all children. Phi Delta Kappan, 97(3), pp.63-68. Garfunkel, S. and Mumford, D., 2011. How to fix our math education. The New York Times, p.A27. Hafferty, F.W. and Castellani, B., 2010. The increasing complexities of professionalism. Academic Medicine, 85(2), pp.288-301. Harris, D.N. and Sass, T.R., 2011. Teacher training, teacher quality and student achievement. Journal of public economics, 95(7-8), pp.798-812. Joseph, C., 2015, Characteristics of Professionalism, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Larson, M., 2017, Math Education Is STEM Education, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at:!/ McCarthy, D., 2017, Understanding the Behaviors that Showcase Workplace Professionalism, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Ministry of Education, 2017, What Personal Professional Characteristics Are Necessary for Effective Teaching, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Peterson, A., 2017, Top five qualities of effective teachers, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Pilgrim, M. and Thomas, D., 2017, How math education can catch up to the 21st century, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Porcupile, D., 2015, what is PROFESSIONALISM? What does Professionalism mean to you, viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Quora, 2014, What's Wrong with Math Education in the U.S., viewed on 19th February, 2018. Available at: Robinson, J.P. and Lubienski, S.T., 2011. The development of gender achievement gaps in mathematics and reading during elementary and middle school: Examining direct cognitive assessments and teacher ratings. American Educational Research Journal, 48(2), pp.268-302. Trede, F., 2012. Role of work-integrated learning in developing professionalism and professional identity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 13(3), pp.159-167. Uribe?Flrez, L.J. and Wilkins, J.L., 2010. Elementary school teachers' manipulative use. School Science and Mathematics, 110(7), pp.363-371. Zeichner, K., 2010. Rethinking the connections between campus courses and field experiences in college-and university-based teacher education. Journal of teacher education, 61(1-2), pp.89-99.
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